9 Ekim 2012 Salı

We’re Mighty Fond of Fonda Kristin, Bikini Calendar Winner

Magazine Report talked to the very blonde, very buxom, very sociable girl from sunny Southern California. Meet Fonda Kristin. She just won the 2012 International Bikini Model Search Calendar spot.

Magazine Report: How did you get your start in modeling?

Fonda Kristin: My first real modeling gig was when I was The Girl Next Door of the Week of the end of October for InsideSTL.com for St. Louis. I was a sexy Dorothy. :)
MR: Where are you from?

FK: I am originally from Southern California. Its a beautiful place with perfect weather all year round! There’s nothing like it. :)
MR: What was it like to be Miss August 2012 for Miss Social Network? How did you get to that spot?
FK: It was very exciting winning Miss August 2012. I’m not going to lie, getting to that spot was tough. So when I won, it was an huge honor! Getting to that spot takes a lot of promoting yourself, gaining relationship with your fans, and a little patience. It took me a few months to get there, but when I did win, it felt amazing! I will be running in Janurary 2013 for Miss Social Network of 2013! I really hope I win!

MR: What do you like best about modeling?

FK: I enjoy meeting new people! I have made wonderful friends and meeting new people is the best part. I would have never made these kinds of friendships if it wasnt for my modeling!
MR: What have been some of your favorite shoots?
FK: My favorite spot is going to be the Bahamas! I will doing a calender shoot there in a few weeks! I haven’t made a calender yet, so it will be an amazing experience! I can’t wait!! :)
MR: What else do you get up to?
FK: I am a part of a hip hop dance Team. I am trying out for a professional dance team next year. Dancing a big part of my life. I also enjoy doing MMA and kickboxing in my spare time!

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